Hi I'm Karen... and a massive whore of all things Potter :)

Back in 1998 my younger brother began reading Harry Potter & the Philosophers stone in school. I was 11 at the time and as a total follower of all things my brother did (I still am like this to the day) I decided to get in on the craze and was instantly hooked.

Since then Harry has been a huge part of my life.. through the books, the movies, the extra DVDs and now Pottermore - I love finding out new parts of the story and I truly feel I have grown up with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

I met my partner in 2010 and one of the conditions of our first date was that I insisted he read Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows - he didn't quite do it before the first date, but he did pretty soon after. He has a (now) 9 year old and we instantly got him hooked too :)

I hope you'll enjoy this blog.

Karen :) xx

Wednesday 8 August 2012

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  1. You've been tagged in the 11 questions tag at http://shez-allaboutbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/the-11-questions-tag.html

    1. Ooh thanks for tagging me Sheree :) i'll go respond to this now. If you have time please check out my other blog: http://karensglossybox.blogspot.co.uk/ x
